Nonstop Database, HiRDB Version 9 Command Reference


2.16 pdchprc (Change number of startup server processes)

Organization of this section
(1) Function
(2) Executor
(3) Format
(4) Options
(5) Rules
(6) Notes
(7) Output format

(1) Function

The pdchprc command changes the number of resident server processes and the maximum number of startup server processes. It also displays the current number of resident server processes and the current maximum number of startup server processes.

(2) Executor

HiRDB administrator

(3) Format

(a) HiRDB single server configuration
 pdchprc [-p resident-processes-count[,maximum-startup-processes-count]]
(b) HiRDB parallel server configuration
 pdchprc {-a| -s server-name}
         [-p resident-processes-count[,maximum-startup-processes-count]]

(4) Options

(a) -p resident-processes-count [,maximum-startup-processes-count]~<unsigned integer> ((0-3000))

Specifies new values for the number of resident server processes and maximum number of startup server processes. If the maximum number of startup processes is omitted, the number of resident processes is assumed. If the -p option is omitted, the command displays the current number of resident server processes and current maximum number of startup server processes at the time the pdchprc command is executed.

The number of processes can be any value in the range 0 to the maximum number of startup server processes specified in the HiRDB system definition. The maximum number of startup server processes is shown below. Note that if you have not specified the pd_max_reflect_process_count operand, treat the value of this operand as 0.

(b) -a

Specifies that the number of resident server processes and maximum number of startup server processes for every server that is active when the pdchprc command is executed are to be displayed. If this option is specified together with the -p option, the command changes the number of resident server processes and the maximum number of startup server processes for every active front-end server and back-end servers to the values specified in the -p option.

(c) -s server-name ~<identifier> ((1-8))

Specifies the name of a server whose number of resident server processes and maximum number of startup server processes are to be changed or displayed.

(5) Rules

  1. The pdchprc command can be executed only while HiRDB is active.
  2. The pdchprc command must be executed at the server machine containing the single server or the server machine where the system manager is located.
  3. An error results if the number of resident processes specified in the -p option is greater than the maximum number of startup processes.
  4. If either value specified in the -p option is greater than the maximum number of startup server processes specified in the HiRDB system definition, HiRDB displays a warning message and assumes the maximum number of startup server processes specified in the HiRDB system definition.
  5. Whenever the number of resident processes or the maximum number of startup processes is changed by the -p option, HiRDB displays a message to that effect at each applicable server.
  6. The new number of resident server processes and maximum number of startup server processes set by the pdchprc command remain in effect at each applicable server until the server is terminated. Once HiRDB is terminated normally or forcible or planned termination is executed, this information is not inherited at the next restart.

(6) Notes

  1. If the server specified in the -s option is not active or is terminating, the pdchprc command terminates with an error. When the -a option is specified, neither the number of resident server processes nor the maximum number of startup server processes is changed at or displayed for any inactive server or any server that is terminating.
  2. To change the number of resident processes or the maximum number of startup processes for a dictionary server, the name of the dictionary server must be specified in the -s option.
  3. If the maximum number of startup server processes is changed to 0, all transaction processing underway at the time the pdchprc command executes terminates with an error.
  4. If the maximum number of startup processes for a dictionary server or back-end server is changed to a value that is less than the value specified in the HiRDB system definition and if many transactions are concentrated at that server, the transactions the server can no longer handle may terminate with an error.
  5. In a HiRDB parallel server configuration, if the system manager and the front-end server are the same unit, changing the maximum number of processes that can be launched on the front-end server to 0 disables the following utilities:
    • Database load utility (pdload)
    • Database structure modification utilities (pdmod)
    • Database reorganization utility (pdrorg)
    • Database condition analysis utility (pddbst)
    • Optimizing Information collection utility (pdgetcst)
  6. If the system is configured to use the standby-less system switchover (1:1) facility and the alternate BES is running instead of the normal BES due to system switchover (alternating), the following will result if the pdchprc command is executed on the normal BES:
    • If the pdchprc command is executed with the -s option specified, the command will terminate with an error.
    • It will not be possible to change or display the number of resident server processes and maximum number of startup server processes on the normal BES.
    For details about the number of server processes when the standby-less system switchover (1:1) facility is used, see Allocating server processes following system switchover in Creating HiRDB system definitions in the HiRDB Version 9 System Operation Guide.
  7. When the standby-less system switchover (effects distributed) facility is used, if the pdchprc command is used to display the number of resident server processes and the maximum number of active processes, the number of resident back-end server processes and the maximum number of active processes may not match depending on the number of allocated server processes. Additionally, even when you specify the -p option to change the number of resident processes and the maximum number of active processes, the number of resident back-end server processes and the maximum number of active processes may not be changed depending on the number of allocated server processes. For details about the number of allocated server processes when the standby-less system switchover (effects distributed) facility is used, see the HiRDB Version 9 System Operation Guide.
  8. For the pdchprc command, return code 0 indicates normal termination, return code 4 indicates normal termination for some of the units, and return code 8 indicates abnormal termination (such as an invalid option or rsh error).

(7) Output format

The following information is displayed only when the -p option is omitted:

 aa...a     bbbb,cccc     dddd,eeee
 aa...a     bbbb,cccc     dddd,eeee


Server name (1-8 characters)

Number of resident server processes specified in the HiRDB system definition

Maximum number of startup server processes specified in the HiRDB system definition

New number of resident server processes set by the pdchprc command. If it is the same as bbbb, **** is displayed.

New maximum number of startup server processes set by the pdchprc command. If it is the same as cccc, **** is displayed.