Nonstop Database, HiRDB Version 9 System Operation Guide


Appendix A.10 RDAREA recovery

Organization of this subsection
(1) Specification of the pdrstr command
(2) Master directory RDAREA recovery

(1) Specification of the pdrstr command

Question 1
Because errors occurred in the master directory RDAREA and in a particular user RDAREA, all RDAREAs were recovered with -a (recovery of all RDAREAs) or -c (recovery of all RDAREAs in a backup) specified in the pdrstr command. In this case, has the information in normal RDAREAs also been replaced?
Does recovery processing first delete the information internally and then import it?

The information is replaced. The pdrstr command first deletes the HiRDB files comprising the RDAREAs to be recovered by the pdrstr command and then restores the contents of the backup files. Therefore, the RDAREAs specified as recovery targets during execution of the pdrstr command (including normal RDAREAs) are all replaced.

Question 2
When an initialized RDAREA is recovered with the pdrstr -a command (recovery of all RDAREAs), is table definition information also recovered?
If not, when should I execute CREATE TABLE?

The table information is recovered. Because the table definition information is stored in a dictionary, it is recovered correctly if the initialized RDAREA is synchronized with the dictionary, data directory, and master directory.

(2) Master directory RDAREA recovery

How should I recover the master directory RDAREA?

To recover the master directory RDAREA, you must start HiRDB with the pdstart -r command. For details of the recovery procedure, see 21. Database Recovery Procedures.