Nonstop Database, HiRDB Version 9 System Operation Guide


Appendix A.4 Errors

Organization of this subsection
(1) What information do I need in the event of an error?
(2) After restarting HiRDB, SPP terminated abnormally due to a DB lock-release wait timeout

(1) What information do I need in the event of an error?

Which information should I collect for purposes of investigation in the event of an error?

For a typical situation, use the error information collection command (pdinfoget command) to collect information. Depending on the error content, the information provided in C. Information Needed for Troubleshooting might be required.

(2) After restarting HiRDB, SPP terminated abnormally due to a DB lock-release wait timeout

After restarting HiRDB, SPP terminated abnormally due to an RDAREA lock-release wait timeout:
  1. The database seems to still be locked. What is the cause of this?
  2. After SPP's abnormal termination, the status during rollback cannot be restored. What is the cause of this?
  3. An attempt to terminate OpenTP1 normally with the dcstop command (OpenTP1 command) failed because there is an SPP engaged in rollback processing. What is the cause of this?

  1. The following specifications might be missing in OpenTP1's transaction service definition (trn):
    [Figure] trnstring -n HiRDB_DB_SERVER -d
    This specification suppresses OpenTP1 commit optimization and prepare optimization, and is the standard when HiRDB links to OpenTP1 through the XA interface.
  2. A HiRDB client environment variable might be missing or an invalid value might have been specified in OpenTP1's transaction service definition (trn). Check the following client environment variables:
    [Figure] PDHOST
    [Figure] PDNAMEPORT
    At the same time, check OpenTP1's user service default definition (usrrc).
  3. Same as 2 above.
    When this event occurs, terminate OpenTP1 forcibly, correct the HiRDB system definitions, then restart OpenTP1.
    Reference note
    The environment variables common to trn and usrrc should be specified in env. When they are specified in env, the environment variables are different from those in trn or usrrc; check the HiRDB Version 9 UAP Development Guide for the correct ones.