Nonstop Database, HiRDB Version 9 System Operation Guide


29.3.2 Configuring a HiRDB expansion unit

The following is the procedure for configuring a HiRDB expansion unit. For details about the tasks, see the HiRDB Version 9 Installation and Design Guide.

  1. Install HiRDB on the server machine on which the HiRDB expansion unit is located.
  2. Create a HiRDB system definition.
  3. Create a HiRDB file system area.
  4. Create system files.
  5. Start the HiRDB expansion unit.
    Use one of the following methods to start the HiRDB expansion unit:
    [Figure] Execute the pdstart -u command on the server machine on which the system manager is located.
    [Figure] Execute the pdstart -q command on the server machine on which the HiRDB expansion unit that you want to start is located.
  6. Create individual RDAREAs.
  7. Terminate the HiRDB expansion unit.
    Execute the pdstop -u command on the server machine on which the system manager is located to terminate the HiRDB expansion unit.