Nonstop Database, HiRDB Version 9 System Operation Guide


27.5 Server status table (hirServerStatusTable)

The server status table stores a snapshot of performance information on a server's operating status at a given point in time. An instance is created for each unit or server.

Notes on collecting performance information
Set the performance information collection interval to no less than 60 seconds so that HiRDB performance is not affected adversely.

The following table shows the configuration of the server status table.

Table 27-3 Configuration of the server status table

ID Object Explanation Type Privilege Data source
1. hirServerStatusTable Server status table SEQUENCE not-access --
1.1 hirServerStatusEntry Server operating status entry SEQUENCE not-access --
1.1.1 hirServerStatusSysIndex HiRDB system identifier index INTEGER read-only MIB command
1.1.2 hirServerStatusHostIndex HiRDB host identifier index INTEGER read-only MIB command
1.1.3 hirServerStatusUnitIndex HiRDB unit identifier index INTEGER read-only MIB command
1.1.4 hirServerStatusServerIndex HiRDB server identifier index INTEGER read-only MIB command
1.1.5 hirServerStatusInstance Instance name
Display String read-only MIB command
1.1.6 hirServerStatusHirID HiRDB identifier Display String read-only MIB command
1.1.7 hirServerStatusHost Host name Display String read-only pdls -d svr
1.1.8 hirServerStatusServerName Server name
******** is displayed for a unit.
Display String read-only pdls -d svr
1.1.9 hirServerStatusStartTime Start time of server or unit
999999 is displayed if the server or unit is stopped.
Display String read-only pdls -d svr
1.1.10 hirServerStatusStatus Server or unit status
One of the following:
3: STOP (N)
4: STOP (F)
5: STOP (A)
6: START (I)
INTEGER read-only pdls -d svr
1.1.11 hirServerStatusUnitID Unit identifier Display String read-only pdls -d svr
1.1.12 hirServerStatusDummy Cannot be referenced. INTEGER read-only MIB command

--: Not applicable