Nonstop Database, HiRDB Version 9 System Operation Guide


26.8.2 Planned system switchover

This subsection explains how to perform a planned system switchover.

When a planned system switchover to the alternate BES unit is performed, the alternate portion must be in standby status. When the system is switched back to the normal BES unit, the normal BES unit must be in standby status. The following procedures explain how to perform a planned system switchover.

Procedure: Switching the system to the alternate BES unit
  1. Use the pdstop -z command to terminate the normal BES unit. Perform this step only when a product other than HA Monitor is being used as the cluster software.
    Note also that, when you specify the pdstop command in the termcommand operand of Hitachi HA Toolkit Extension, you do not have to execute the pdstop command at this point, because Hitachi HA Toolkit Extension executes the pdstop command as an extension of the command in step 2.
  2. Use a cluster software command (the monswap command for HA Monitor) to perform a planned system switchover. For details about how to perform a planned system switchover, see the cluster software documentation.

When you use the above procedure to perform a planned system switchover, the alternate BES unit performs normal BES unit processing. The normal BES unit becomes inactive. To switch the system back to the normal BES unit, use the following procedure to perform a planned system switchover again.

Procedure: Switching the system back to the normal BES unit
  1. Use the pdstart -q command to place the normal BES unit in standby status.
  2. Use a cluster software command (the monswap command for HA Monitor) to perform a planned system switchover. The alternate portion is released from standby status.
  3. Use the pdstart -q -c command to place the alternate portion in standby status.