Nonstop Database, HiRDB Version 9 System Operation Guide


26. Using the System Switchover Facility

This chapter describes the environment setup and operation procedures for the system switchover facility. The discussion in this chapter assumes that the reader is familiar with cluster software.

Organization of this chapter
26.1 Overview of the system switchover facility
26.2 Configuring a standby system switchover system (monitor mode)
26.3 Configuring a standby system switchover system (server mode)
26.4 Configuring a standby-less system switchover (1:1) system
26.5 Configuring a standby-less system switchover (effects distributed) system
26.6 Standby system switchover (monitor mode) operation
26.7 Standby system switchover (server mode) operation
26.8 Standby-less system switchover (1:1) operation
26.9 Standby-less system switchover (effects distributed) operation