Nonstop Database, HiRDB Version 9 System Operation Guide


24.12 Linkage with other facilities

This section explains security audit facility linkage with other facilities.

Organization of this section
(1) Linkage with the system switchover facility
(2) Linkage with plug-ins
(3) Linkage with the inner replica facility

(1) Linkage with the system switchover facility

(2) Linkage with plug-ins

If the pdplgrgst command is used to register, delete, or upgrade plug-ins with HiRDB, HiRDB uses the pdplgrgst command extension to issue the following SQL statements:

If audit events are set for these SQL statements, an audit trail is collected for these SQL statements using the pdplgrgst command extension.

(3) Linkage with the inner replica facility

An audit trail is not collected for pair volumization (disk duplexing). Use the OS's auditing facility to audit pair volumization.