Nonstop Database, HiRDB Version 9 System Operation Guide


24.7.1 Example 1: Data loading from specified audit trail files

This example loads two data load waiting files (file names pdaudUNT1001.aud and pdaudUNT1002.aud) into the audit trail table (table name SQL_AUDIT_TRAIL). The following is the specification of the pdload command for this example.

Example pdload command specification

pdload -b -W SQL_AUDIT_TRAIL /pdload/control_file

  • The -b and -W options must be specified.
  • Specify the audit trail table for the table name.
  • The following explains the contents of the control information file.

Example of specifying the control information file

source bes1:(uoc)
srcuoc param='dir=/secarea,file=(pdaudUNT1001.aud,pdaudUNT1002.aud)'

source bes1:(uoc): Specifies the server name (bes1) for the server in a HiRDB parallel server configuration. You can specify a server name in the unit where the audit trail files are located. You can specify any server name in the unit, but if you specify a back-end server, you can eliminate a communication bottleneck. If the standby-less system switchover (effects distributed) facility is being applied to the unit where the audit trail file exists, specify the server name of the running system that is running on that unit.
dir: Specifies the HiRDB file system area that stores the audit trail files to be data loaded.
file: Specifies the names of the audit trail files to be data loaded.
If indexes have been defined for the audit trail table, use the idxwork statement and the sort statement.