Nonstop Database, HiRDB Version 9 System Operation Guide


24.5.2 Actions performed by the auditor

Organization of this subsection
(1) Use the audit trail table
(2) Manipulate the audit trail table
(3) Authentication during command execution
(4) Add and delete audit events
(5) Change the password
(6) Delete the auditor's schema

(1) Use the audit trail table

Use the audit trail table to perform audits. For details about the column structure of the audit table, see 24.8 Audit trail table columns.

(2) Manipulate the audit trail table

The auditor manipulates the audit trail table. For example, the auditor performs the following actions:

(3) Authentication during command execution

The commands listed below must be executed jointly by the auditor and the HiRDB administrator. When the HiRDB administrator executes a command, a message requesting a password input appears. When this happens, the auditor enters the authorization identifier and password.

#: Applicable only when loading an audit trail to the audit trail table.

(4) Add and delete audit events

Audit events can be added with CREATE AUDIT. Unnecessary audit events can be deleted with DROP AUDIT.

(5) Change the password

The auditor's password can be changed with GRANT AUDIT. The auditor changes the password.

(6) Delete the auditor's schema

If there is no audit trail table, the auditor's schema can be deleted. The auditor and DBA privilege holders can delete the auditor's schema.