Nonstop Database, HiRDB Version 9 System Operation Guide


24.4.3 Auditor registration, creation of the RDAREA to store the audit trail table, and creation of the audit trail table

Executor: HiRDB administrator

Execute the database structure modification utility (pdmod command), and perform the following. All of the following tasks can be performed simultaneously with a single issuance of the pdmod command:

Organization of this subsection
(1) Register the auditor
(2) Create the RDAREA to store the audit trail table
(3) Create the audit trail table

(1) Register the auditor

Register the auditor with the pdmod command's create auditor statement. The auditor can perform the following operations:

  • The registered auditor cannot be deleted and updated at the same time.
  • Create a user without DBA privilege as the auditor. The HiRDB administrator cannot be the auditor.
  • Only one person can be registered as the auditor (there cannot be multiple auditors).
  • The auditor cannot hold the DBA privilege. The following table lists the user privileges that can be held by the auditor.
  • Registering the auditor in an OS account is optional.

    Table 24-12 User privileges that can be held by the auditor

    Type of user privilege Yes/No Remarks
    Audit privilege Yes These privileges are granted automatically when the auditor is registered.
    CONNECT privilege Yes
    Schema definition privilege Yes
    DBA privilege No The auditor cannot hold the DBA privilege.
    RDAREA usage privilege Yes The privilege to use the RDAREA that stores the audit trail table must be granted by a user who has the DBA privilege. This also applies to use of other RDAREAs.
    Table access privilege Yes The auditor can hold audit trail table access privilege. The privilege to access other tables must be granted by each table's owner.

Yes: This privilege can be held.
No: This privilege cannot be held.

(2) Create the RDAREA to store the audit trail table

Estimate the size of the RDAREA where the audit trail table will be stored, and then create it.

(a) Estimating the size of the RDAREA to store the audit trail table

When estimating the size of the RDAREA to store the audit trail table, consider the points listed below. For details about estimating an RDAREA size, see the HiRDB Version 9 Installation and Design Guide.

(b) Creating an RDAREA

Use the create rdarea statement of the pdmod command to create the RDAREA to store the audit trail table. Note the following points when creating an RDAREA:

(3) Create the audit trail table

Create the audit trail table with the pdmod command's create audit table statement. The following should be considered when creating the audit trail table: