Nonstop Database, HiRDB Version 9 System Operation Guide


23.6.2 Tuning the number of resident processes

This section explains the procedure for tuning the number of resident processes specified in the pd_process_count operand.

Information to be referenced
Reference the following statistical information related to system operations:

To reduce both the server process active time in each server, and the memory resources, by specifying a value close to the average number of active server processes that were actually executing services during processing for the number of resident processes.

Evaluating the analysis results
Although keeping the server processes of each server resident can reduce the server process startup time, keeping an unnecessary number of server processes resident will cause a memory shortage. A reasonable number of resident processes for a server appears to be the average value of the number of service processes under service execution (#OF PROCESS ON SERVICE).
When improving the server's service execution response
If the value of the pd_process_count operand is less than the average value of the number of service processes during service execution (#OF PROCESS ON SERVICE), increase it up to about the average value. If it is increased further, some resident processes might not receive services, resulting in a waste of memory.
When reducing the memory space used by resident server processes
If the value of the pd_process_count operand is greater than the average value of the number of service processes during service execution (#OF PROCESS ON SERVICE), reduce it down to about the average value. Although it is possible to reduce the value further, doing so might result in the receiving of a number of requests exceeding the number of resident processes. As a result, the server process startup time worsens the service execution response by that much.

Actions to be taken
Modify the value of the pd_process_count operand.