Nonstop Database, HiRDB Version 9 System Operation Guide


23. Tuning

This chapter explains how to tune a database.

Databases should be tuned in order to maintain optimum performance. However, the available memory and disk space might not be adequate to achieve the desired level of performance. Therefore, a balance between performance on the one hand and memory and disk space requirements on the other hand must be considered when the system is tuned.

Organization of this chapter
23.1 Tuning global buffer pools
23.2 Tuning deferred write processing
23.3 Tuning the synchronization point processing time when deferred write processing is used
23.4 Tuning the synchronization point dump interval
23.5 Tuning buffer lengths
23.6 Tuning the number of processes
23.7 Tuning indexes
23.8 Tuning the database
23.9 Tuning SQLs
23.10 Tuning the system's internal processing
23.11 Tuning the sector count of a log input buffer for rollback