Nonstop Database, HiRDB Version 9 System Operation Guide


22.1.1 Tuning information that can be collected from the statistics log

The following table shows the types of tuning information that can be collected from the statistics log.

Table 22-1 Tuning information that can be collected from the statistics log

Statistics information type Explanation
System activity statistical information sys Outputs operation information related to server processes, RPC, and system log files.
Statistical information on the system operation of each server svr Outputs statistical information on the system operation of each server.
UAP statistical information uap Edits by edit time UAP-related information, such as the number of retrieved rows and the number of SQL executions, and outputs this information by UAP or transaction.
SQL statistical information sql Outputs by UAP or service information related to SQL issuances, such as the number of retrieved rows, the number of times work tables were created, and the number of back-end servers that issued intra-SQL partitioning commands.
Global buffer pool statistical information#1 buf Edits by edit time information related to global buffer accesses, such as the buffer hit rate and the actual I/Os counts, and outputs this information by server or global buffer.
Statistical information on HiRDB files for database manipulation fil Edits by edit time information related to HiRDB file accesses, such as the synchronization I/Os counts and I/O error counts, and outputs this information by server, HiRDB file, and RDAREA.
Deferred write processing statistical information dfw Edits by edit time information related to deferred write processing, such as the number of deferred write processes, operation factors, and the I/O parallel level, and outputs this information by server.
Index statistical information idx Edits by edit time index-related information, such as index key lock information and index split information, based on the statistics logs and system logs, and outputs this information by server and index.
SQL static optimization information sop Outputs (to a DAT file only) SQL static optimization information.
SQL dynamic optimization information dop Outputs (to a DAT file only) SQL dynamic optimization information.
SQL object execution information pcd Outputs (to a DAT file only) SQL object execution optimization information.
SQL statement statistical information#2 sqh Outputs (to a DAT file only) information related to data manipulation SQLs, definition SQLs, LOCK statements, and issued SQLs.
Statistics on SQL object transmission#3 obj Outputs (to a DAT file only) SQL object transmission information.

#1: This statistical information is collected at synchronization points. Because it is a compilation of information between synchronization points, no statistical information is collected unless there are at least two synchronization points. To ensure that the statistical information is collected, execute the pdlogsync command immediately before executing the pdstjsync or pdstend command to cause a synchronization point to be set.

#2: Statistical information related to the history of SQL statements is output when statistical information related to SQL (sql specification) is output.

#3: This statistical information is limited to a HiRDB parallel server configuration. It is not output for a HiRDB single server configuration.