Nonstop Database, HiRDB Version 9 System Operation Guide


21.3.5 Example 4: Recovering specified RDAREAs (when operation without unloading system log is used)

This example recovers user RDAREAs (rdarea01 and rdarea02) to their status at the most recent synchronization point preceding the error. For operating system log files, operation without unloading system log is used.

In addition to these RDAREAs, you must also recover all related RDAREAs at the same time. For details about the related RDAREAs, see 6.3 RDAREAs to be backed up together.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Identify the RDAREAs related to the RDAREAs to be recovered
(2) Use the pdclose command to close the RDAREAs that are in error shutdown status
(3) Use the pdlogswap command to swap the system log files
(4) Use the pdrstr command to recover the RDAREAs to the most recent synchronization point
(5) Use the pdcopy command to back up the recovered RDAREAs
(6) Use the pdrels command to release the recovered RDAREAs from error shutdown status and open them

(1) Identify the RDAREAs related to the RDAREAs to be recovered

Perform this operation only on user RDAREAs and user LOB RDAREAs (the original RDAREAs of user RDAREAs and the original RDAREAs of user LOB RDAREAs if the inner replica facility is used). If a row-partitioned table is defined, execute the pdrdrefls command with the -t option to identify the RDAREAs comprising the row-partitioned table.

If you need to recover more RDAREAs than the following example shows, add their names following the -r option.

pdrdrefls -k chk -e org -c ref
-r rdarea01,rdarea02

(2) Use the pdclose command to close the RDAREAs that are in error shutdown status

pdclose -r rdarea01,rdarea02

(3) Use the pdlogswap command to swap the system log files

Since the current file cannot be used as the input information for the database recovery utility, swap the system log files. For a HiRDB parallel server configuration, swap the system log files of the back-end servers where rdarea01 and rdarea02 are located.

pdlogswap -d sys

(4) Use the pdrstr command to recover the RDAREAs to the most recent synchronization point

pdrstr -m /rdarea/mast/mast01 -b /pdcopy/backup01 -L
-w /tmp/sortwork -r rdarea01,rdarea02

-m: Specifies the name of the first HiRDB file in the master directory RDAREA.
-b: Specifies the name of the backup file that stores the backup of rdarea01 and rdarea02.
-L: Specifies that the system log files are used as the input information.
-w: Specifies the name of the work directory for sorting.
-r: Specifies the names of the RDAREAs to be recovered (rdarea01 and rdarea02).
For recovery with a range specification, specify the recovery ten times in the -T option. If the -T option is not specified, the RDAREAs will be restored to the most recent synchronization point preceding the error.

(5) Use the pdcopy command to back up the recovered RDAREAs

pdcopy -m /rdarea/mast/mast01 -M x -r rdarea01,rdarea02 -b /pdcopy/backup02
-z /pdcopy/logpoint01

-m: Specifies the name of the first HiRDB file in the master directory RDAREA.
-M: Specifies the reference/update-impossible mode for the backup acquisition mode.
-r: Backs up the RDAREAs where the error occurred (rdarea01 and rdarea02).
-b: Specifies the name of the backup file.
-z: Specifies the name of the log point information file.
For details about making backups, see 6. Backup Procedures.

(6) Use the pdrels command to release the recovered RDAREAs from error shutdown status and open them

pdrels -r rdarea01,rdarea02 -o