Nonstop Database, HiRDB Version 9 System Operation Guide


21.2.2 Example 1: Recovering all RDAREAs

This example recovers all RDAREAs, including system RDAREAs, to their status at the backup acquisition point; it is assumed that a backup copy of the entire system (backup of all RDAREAs) is available.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Enter the pdstop command to terminate HiRDB normally
(2) Enter the pdstart -r command to start HiRDB
(3) Use the pdrstr command to restore all RDAREAs
(4) Enter the pdstop command to terminate HiRDB normally
(5) Enter the pdstart command to start HiRDB normally
(6) Recover the list RDAREA
(7) Recover the temporary table RDAREA

(1) Enter the pdstop command to terminate HiRDB normally


If HiRDB cannot be terminated normally, enter the pdstop -f command to forcibly terminate it. This step is not necessary if HiRDB has already terminated abnormally.

(2) Enter the pdstart -r command to start HiRDB

pdstart -r

(3) Use the pdrstr command to restore all RDAREAs

pdrstr -m /rdarea/mast/mast01 -b /pdcopy/backup01 -a

-m: Specifies the name of the first HiRDB file in the master directory RDAREA.
-b: Specifies the name of the backup file containing the backup data for all RDAREAs.
-a: Specifies that all RDAREAs are to be recovered.

(4) Enter the pdstop command to terminate HiRDB normally


If HiRDB already terminated abnormally as discussed in (1), or if it was forcibly terminated using the pdstop -f command, you must initialize the status file before normally starting HiRDB (in 5 below). First, enter the pdstsrm command to delete the status file, and then enter the pdstsinit command to re-create the status file.

(5) Enter the pdstart command to start HiRDB normally


(6) Recover the list RDAREA

This procedure is not necessary if there is no list RDAREA.

  1. Shut down and close the list RDAREA.
    pdhold -r LISER1 -c
  2. Enter the pdmod command to re-initialize the RDAREA.
    pdmod -a /rdarea/conf/control3
  3. Release the list RDAREA from shutdown and open it.
    pdrels -r LISER1 -o

(7) Recover the temporary table RDAREA

This step is not necessary if there is no temporary table RDAREA.

  1. Shut down and close the temporary table RDAREA.
    pdhold -r TMPRDAREA -c
  2. Enter the pdmod command to re-initialize the RDAREA.
    pdmod -a /rdarea/conf/control4
  3. Release the temporary table RDAREA from shutdown and open it.
    pdrels -r TMPRDAREA -o