Nonstop Database, HiRDB Version 9 System Operation Guide


20.25.1 When installation directory is available

If a HiRDB installation directory is available, the HiRDB directory can be recovered from the installation directory. Note that the recovery procedure explained here assumes the following:

  1. Restart the server machine to clear out all remaining server processes.
  2. Execute the pdsetup -d command to delete the HiRDB directory information registered in the OS. Respond with Y when prompted. Although the pdsetup -d command will terminate in an error, ignore this error.
  3. Create a HiRDB directory.
  4. Execute the pdsetup command. Executing this command copies the files under the installation directory to the HiRDB directory.
  5. Recover the files under $PDDIR/conf from the backup.
  6. If users created files under $PDDIR, recover those files.
  7. Use the pdstart command to start HiRDB.