Nonstop Database, HiRDB Version 9 System Operation Guide


20.24 Actions to take when a mismatch occurs between the original and the mirror duplicate

When the LVM mirroring facility is used to mirror the database, a mismatch might occur between the main and secondary volumes if an error occurs in the OS or server machine while data is being written into the database, or if the system is switched. This is called a mismatch between the original and the mirror duplicate. When it occurs, you use one of the following methods to eliminate the mismatch:

  1. Use the LVM function to eliminate the mismatch between the original and the mirror duplicate.
  2. Use the full recovery processing performed by HiRDB during a restart to eliminate the mismatch between the original and the mirror duplicate

Method 1 is usually used. Use Method 2 if you cannot use the LVM function to eliminate the mismatch between the original and the mirror duplicate, or if a system requirement, such as the system switchover time, cannot be satisfied because eliminating the mismatch between the original and the mirror duplicate takes too long.

Organization of this section
(1) Use the LVM function to eliminate the mismatch between the original and the mirror duplicate
(2) Using the full recovery processing performed by HiRDB during a restart to eliminate the mismatch between the original and the mirror duplicate
(3) Configuration example when the rapid system switchover facility is used

(1) Use the LVM function to eliminate the mismatch between the original and the mirror duplicate

Either specify N in the pd_redo_allpage_put operand or omit this operand.

Action to take when a mismatch occurs between the original and the mirror duplicate
Before restarting HiRDB, use the LVM function to eliminate the mismatch between the original and the mirror duplicate. Then restart HiRDB.

(2) Using the full recovery processing performed by HiRDB during a restart to eliminate the mismatch between the original and the mirror duplicate

Specify Y in the pd_redo_allpage_put operand. When Y is specified, the full recovery processing performed by HiRDB during a restart writes into the database all pages that were updated at or subsequent to a synchronization point. This processing eliminates the mismatch between the original and the mirror duplicate.

Action to take when a mismatch occurs between the original and the mirror duplicate
There is no need to use the LVM function to eliminate the mismatch between the original and the mirror duplicate. Restart HiRDB immediately. The full recovery processing performed by HiRDB during the restart will make the original and duplicate volumes match.
  • Use of this method increases the volume of data written into the database during full recovery processing. Consequently, it will take longer to restart HiRDB than when method 1 is used. To reduce the volume of data that must be written into the database, we recommend that you shorten the synchronization point acquisition interval. Use the pd_log_sdinterval operand to specify the synchronization point acquisition interval.
  • In this method, the data that was being written into the database when, due to an error, the OS or server went down or a system switchover occurred is re-written through full recovery processing. In response, LVM writes the data to both the main and secondary volumes, thereby matching the two volumes. This method can therefore eliminate only the mismatch that occurs between the original and the mirror duplicate at the instant when HiRDB goes down. Other types of mismatch that occurs between the original and the mirror duplicate, such as those caused by an error during operation, cannot be eliminated with this method. In such a case, use the LVM function to eliminate the mismatch.

(3) Configuration example when the rapid system switchover facility is used

The figure below shows an example of a system configuration when the rapid system switchover facility is used in an environment in which the LVM mirroring facility is used to mirror the database.

In this example, the full recovery processing performed by HiRDB during a restart is used to eliminate a mismatch between the original and the mirror duplicate.

Figure 20-11 Example of a system configuration in which the rapid system switchover facility is used


  • In a system configuration in which the rapid system switchover facility is used, position the Hitachi disk array system such that it can be accessed from both the primary and secondary systems.
  • Specify Y in the pd_redo_allpage_put operand.