Nonstop Database, HiRDB Version 9 System Operation Guide


20.18.3 Actions to be taken when a utility terminates abnormally before unload data files have been consolidated (HiRDB parallel server configurations only)

When a table is row-partitioned into multiple back-end servers, unload data file consolidation (-g specification for the database reorganization utility) is recommended. If the unload data files are not consolidated, the actions to be taken when the utility terminates abnormally become complicated.

This section explains the actions to be taken when a utility terminates abnormally during reorganization or reloading with synchronization points set before the unload data files have been consolidated.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Overview of actions to be taken
(2) Example

(1) Overview of actions to be taken

If the unload data files have not been consolidated, you must check whether reorganization processing was completed at each server. The following figure shows the system configuration used for the explanation.

Figure 20-9 Case where the table is row-partitioned into multiple back-end servers


If the unload data files are not consolidated, reorganization at BES1 might terminate abnormally during unloading, and reorganization in BES2 might terminate abnormally during reloading. In such a case, it is necessary to modify the specification in the control information file for the utility. The utility must also be re-executed for each server. In this example, the utility must be executed twice.

As explained above, the database reorganization utility must be re-executed individually for each server taking into consideration the timing of abnormal termination.

(2) Example

Reorganization with synchronization points set was executed without consolidating the unload data files. The system configuration is as shown in Figure 20-9 Case where the table is row-partitioned into multiple back-end servers. It is assumed that reorganization in BES1 terminated abnormally during unloading and reorganization in BES2 terminated abnormally during reloading.

(a) Specifications for the database reorganization utility when it terminated abnormally

The control information file of the database reorganization utility and the command specification when the utility terminated abnormally are shown below.

Control information file (/pdrorg/rorg01) specification

option job=j01,200
unload BES1:/unload/file01
unload BES2:/unload/file02

pdrorg command specification

pdrorg -k rorg -t TABLE1 /pdrorg/rorg01
(b) Specifications for the database reorganization utility for re-execution

Reorganization must be re-executed for the tables in BES1; reloading must be executed for the tables in BES2. Therefore, the database reorganization utility must be executed individually for BES1 and BES2.

The control information file of the database reorganization utility and the command specification for re-executing the utility are shown below.

Control information file (/pdrorg/rorg01) specification

option job=j01,200
unload BES1:/unload/file01

Control information file (/pdrorg/rorg02) specification

option job=j01,200
unload BES2:/unload/file02

pdrorg command specification

pdrorg -k rorg -t TABLE1 /pdrorg/rorg01
pdrorg -k reld -t TABLE1 /pdrorg/rorg02