Nonstop Database, HiRDB Version 9 System Operation Guide


20.6.2 Actions to be taken when HiRDB Datareplicator is being used

If an input error occurs in the system log file (or in both versions of the system log file when dual system log files are being used) and the system log file is required for data linkage while HiRDB Datareplicator is being used, data linkage becomes unavailable. In such a case, the following action must be taken.

To restore data linkage availability:
  1. Enter the pdrplstop command to terminate HiRDB Datareplicator linkage.
  2. To restart HiRDB Datareplicator linkage after correcting the error in the system log file, enter the pdrplstart command. Once HiRDB Datareplicator linkage is canceled, conformity might be lost between the extracted database and the target database subject to data linkage. Therefore, before entering the pdrplstart command, it is important to re-create the target database on the basis of the extracted database.