Nonstop Database, HiRDB Version 9 System Operation Guide


20.5 When HiRDB does not terminate

Executor: HiRDB administrator

This section explains the actions to be taken when HiRDB will not terminate. The following table lists the possible causes that prevent HiRDB from terminating.

Table 20-11 Possible causes that prevent HiRDB from terminating and actions to be taken

Possible cause Actions
A user is still connected As long as a user is still connected, HiRDB cannot terminate. For details on the actions to be taken in such a case, see 20.13 When HiRDB cannot be terminated because a user is still connected.
There is an undetermined transaction If there is an undetermined transaction, HiRDB cannot be terminated. For details on the actions to be taken in such a case, see 20.14 Actions when there is an undetermined transaction.
Communication error occurred When a utility special unit is used or in the case of a HiRDB parallel server configuration, it might not be possible to terminate HiRDB because of a communication error between servers. For details on the actions to be taken in such a case, see 20.12.1 Handling of communication errors.