Nonstop Database, HiRDB Version 9 System Operation Guide


20.4.1 When HiRDB does not start normally

Executor: HiRDB administrator

The following table lists the possible causes of errors during HiRDB normal startup.

Table 20-9 Possible causes of errors during HiRDB normal startup and actions to be taken

Possible cause Action to be taken
HiRDB has not been installed or was not set up correctly. Install HiRDB or set up HiRDB correctly.
A HiRDB system definition is invalid. A message is displayed indicating the HiRDB system definition that is invalid. Correct the HiRDB system definition on the basis of this message.
An environment variable definition is invalid. Correct the environment variable. For details on the environment variable setup procedures, see the HiRDB Version 9 Installation and Design Guide.
A remote shell execution environment has not been set up. Set up the remote shell execution environment; for details, see the HiRDB Version 9 Installation and Design Guide.
A memory shortage or file space shortage occurred. A message reporting the memory or file space shortage is displayed. Either terminate any unneeded processes or delete unneeded files. In the case of shared memory, reevaluate the HiRDB system definitions. In the case of process private memory, terminate any unneeded processes.
Also, reevaluate the OS's shared memory-related operating system parameters, as required. For details on the operating system parameters, see the HiRDB Version 9 Installation and Design Guide.
A file required for HiRDB startup is missing. A message is displayed indicating the file required for HiRDB startup that is missing. Create the required file on the basis of this message.
An error occurred in a file required for HiRDB startup. Check the erroneous file on the basis of the message, then take appropriate action by referencing sections 20.6 Handling of system log file errors to 20.9 Handling of errors in files other than system files.
The OS configuration is not appropriate to the HiRDB execution environment. Reconfigure the OS and correct the HiRDB system definitions.
The current system log file cannot be allocated. Place the system log file waiting to be unloaded in unload completed status with the pdlogunld or pdlogchg command.
An error has occurred in a particular unit (HiRDB parallel server configurations only). Even if there are units that cannot start due to an error, HiRDB can be started using only the remaining normal units if reduced activation is in effect. For details on reduced activation, see 20.15 Handling of reduced activation (HiRDB parallel server configurations only).
A library is not shared correctly (applicable to a multi-HiRDB). Share the library correctly; for details, see the HiRDB Version 9 Installation and Design Guide.

Frequently asked questions about errors during HiRDB startup are answered in Q&A format in A.6 HiRDB startup.