Nonstop Database, HiRDB Version 9 System Operation Guide


19.2.4 Deleting optimizing information

Organization of this subsection
(1) Trigger for deleting optimizing information
(2) Procedure for deleting optimizing information

(1) Trigger for deleting optimizing information

The following situation is the trigger for deleting optimizing information:

(2) Procedure for deleting optimizing information

The following is the procedure for deleting optimizing information.

  1. Determine the table whose optimizing information you wish to delete.
    Determine the table whose optimizing information needs to be deleted.
    If you are tuning each SQL statement separately, the optimizing information of the tables accessed by that SQL statement becomes subject to deletion.
  2. Delete the optimizing information.
    Use the pdgetcst command to delete the optimizing information.
    Command execution example:
    An execution example of the pdgetcst command for deleting the optimizing information of table USER1.T1 follows:
    pdgetcst -d -a USER1 -t T1