Nonstop Database, HiRDB Version 9 System Operation Guide


15.10 Moving HiRDB file system areas that store RDAREAs

Executor: HiRDB administrator

As the amount of data stored in the database increases, the database might become full, requiring the disk used for RDAREAs to be changed. To change the disk, RDAREAs must be moved to another disk. Normally, when RDAREAs are moved, all the target RDAREAs must be re-created.

You can avoid having to re-create RDAREAs by moving the HiRDB file system areas to another disk and then creating symbolic links to the target HiRDB file system areas at the source. In addition, there is no need to change the file system area names that are specified in HiRDB (including those specified in definitions, control statements, command arguments, and batch files).

Organization of this section
15.10.1 Before moving HiRDB file system areas
15.10.2 Example