Nonstop Database, HiRDB Version 9 System Operation Guide


15.9.1 Before moving RDAREAs

Organization of this subsection
(1) RDAREAs that can be moved
(2) Procedure
(3) Notes

(1) RDAREAs that can be moved

The following RDAREAs can be moved:

(2) Procedure

The procedure for moving RDAREAs is shown below. Note that the migration procedure described below explains the basic operation; the procedure you use might differ slightly depending on the configuration of your system. For details, see the examples starting in section 15.9.2.

  1. Re-estimate the memory requirements for the server machine running the target back-end server.
  2. Use the pdcopy command to make required backups. The RDAREAs to be moved, the master directory RDAREA, and the data dictionary RDAREAs must be backed up. For details about making backups, see 6. Backup Procedures.
  3. Use the pdhold command to place the RDAREAs to be moved in shutdown and closed status.
  4. Use the pdmod command to move the RDAREAs.
  5. Use the pdstop command to terminate HiRDB normally. After you have moved the RDAREAs, HiRDB must be stopped. Processing after the RDAREAs have been moved cannot be guaranteed if you do not stop HiRDB at this point.
  6. Transfer the HiRDB files comprising the RDAREAs being moved.#
  7. Use the pdstart command to start HiRDB normally.
  8. Use the pdcopy command to make required backups. The RDAREAs that were moved, the master directory RDAREA, and the data dictionary RDAREAs must be backed up. For details about making backups, see 6. Backup Procedures.
Do not execute any UAPs or other utilities from the time you begin moving RDAREAs until the time you start HiRDB (steps 4-7).
#: This step is required when you are moving RDAREAs to another server machine. The HiRDB files of the RDAREAs that are being moved must be transferred to the destination server machine. In addition, the path names of these HiRDB files must be the same as their path name on the source server machine. If the same path names cannot be used, create a symbolic link aliasing the original path to the directory on the target server machine that contains the files.
You must also delete the HiRDB files on the source server machine after they have been transferred. For details on how to do this, see the examples starting in section 15.9.2.

(3) Notes

(a) Move all related RDAREAs

If you decide to move an RDAREA, you must move all related RDAREAs, as listed below. If you do not move all related RDAREAs, an error will occur when you execute the database structure modification utility (pdmod command).

(b) If a non-partitioning key index is defined for the table

You cannot move an RDAREA containing a table for which a non-partitioning key index is defined. In such a case, use the procedure explained below to move the RDAREA.

  1. Use DROP INDEX to delete the non-partitioning key index.
  2. Move the RDAREA.
  3. Use CREATE INDEX to re-create the non-partitioning key index.
Note that you might not be able to re-create a non-partitioning key index for which UNIQUE is defined. For details about the situations in which you cannot re-create a non-partitioning key index, see the description of CREATE INDEX in the manual HiRDB Version 9 SQL Reference.
(c) If a primary key is defined for a key other than a table partitioning key

You cannot move an RDAREA that contains a table for which a primary key other than a table partitioning key is defined. In such a case, use the procedure explained below to move the RDAREA.

  1. Use the pdrorg command to unload the table data.
  2. Use DROP TABLE to delete the table definition.
  3. Move the RDAREA.
  4. Use CREATE TABLE to define a table.
  5. Use the pdrorg command to reload the table data.
(d) If any routines for converting a table to a base table exist

Because any routine that converts a table stored in an RDAREA being moved to a base table becomes invalid when the RDAREA is moved, use ALTER ROUTINE to re-create the routine.