Nonstop Database, HiRDB Version 9 System Operation Guide


12.1.7 Example of a control statements file when migrating tables to a different schema

An example of a control statements file of the database reorganization utility for migrating tables to a different schema is shown below. The authorization identifier of the migration source schema is USR01 and that of the migration target schema is USR02.

Organization of this subsection
(1) HiRDB single server configuration
(2) HiRDB parallel server configuration
(3) Example of the pdrorg command

(1) HiRDB single server configuration

unload /pdrorg/unfile1                           1
idxwork /pdrorg/idxwork                          2
sort /sortwork                                   3
tblname USR01                                    4

  1. Specifies the name of the unload data file.
  2. Specifies the name of the directory in which an index information file is to be created. The index information file is created under this directory.
  3. Specifies the name of the work directory for sorting.
  4. Specifies the authorization identifier of the migration source schema.

(2) HiRDB parallel server configuration

unload bes1:/pdrorg/unfile1                     1
idxwork bes1 /pdrorg/idxwork                    2
sort bes1 /sortwork                             3
idxwork bes2 /pdrorg/idxwork                    4
sort bes2 /sortwork                             5
tblname USR01                                   6

  1. Specifies the name of the unload data file. Because the -g option is assumed, the unload data file is created at one location.
  2. Specifies the name of the directory in which an index information file is to be created (for bes1). The index information file is created under this directory.
  3. Specifies the name of the work directory for sorting (for bes1).
  4. Specifies the name of the directory in which an index information file is to be created (for bes2). The index information file is created under this directory.
  5. Specifies the name of the work directory for sorting (for bes2).
  6. Specifies the authorization identifier of the migration source schema.

(3) Example of the pdrorg command

pdrorg -k reld -t USR02.all /pdrorg/rorg01

-t: Specifies the authorization identifier of the schema that is to be unloaded.