Nonstop Database, HiRDB Version 9 System Operation Guide


10.2 Creating (initializing) a HiRDB file system area

This section explains how to create (initialize) a HiRDB file system area.

A character special file or a regular file can be used as a HiRDB file system area by initializing the file with the pdfmkfs command. Following is the procedure for creating a HiRDB file system area:

  1. Link the file name symbolically.
  2. Change the owner and access privileges for the HiRDB file system area (applicable to character special files).
  3. Initialize the HiRDB file system area.
Organization of this section
(1) Link the file name symbolically
(2) Change the owner and access privileges for the HiRDB file system area (applicable to character special files)
(3) Initialize the HiRDB file system area

(1) Link the file name symbolically

Executor: Superuser

We recommend that the name of a HiRDB file system area be a name linked symbolically by the OS's ln command to the entity name of the character special file or regular file, rather than using the entity name itself. This simplifies the following operations:

For information on the ln command, refer to the OS documentation.

(2) Change the owner and access privileges for the HiRDB file system area (applicable to character special files)

Executor: Superuser

The owner and access privileges for the HiRDB file system area should be changed so that the file system area can be protected from access by unauthorized users.

The following table lists the owners and access privileges to be specified for a HiRDB file system area.

Table 10-2 Owners and access privileges to be set for HiRDB file system area

Owner or access privileges Information to be set Command to be executed#
Owner User ID HiRDB administrator chown command
Group ID HiRDB group chgrp command
Access privileges Owner rw (both read and write permitted) chmod command
Group rw (both read and write permitted)
Other -- (access not permitted)

#: These are OS commands; see the OS documentation.

(3) Initialize the HiRDB file system area

Executor: HiRDB administrator

The pdfmkfs command is used to initialize the character special file or regular file so that it can be used as a HiRDB file system area. For details on HiRDB file system area design guidelines, see the HiRDB Version 9 Installation and Design Guide.

Following is an example of executing the pdfmkfs command:

pdfmkfs -n 25 -l 5 -k DB -e 5 /svr01DB001

-n: Specifies in megabytes the size of the HiRDB file system area.
This size must not exceed the size of the partition; if it is larger than the partition size, the subsequent physical partition might be damaged.
-l: Specifies the maximum number of HiRDB files that can be created in the HiRDB file system area.
-k: Specifies the usage of the HiRDB file system area:
DB: HiRDB file system area for RDAREAs
SYS: HiRDB file system area for system files
WORK: HiRDB file system area for work table files
UTL: HiRDB file system area for utilities
SVR: HiRDB file system area for all purposes (except for utilities)
-e: Specifies the maximum number of secondary allocations for the HiRDB files.
/svr01DB001: Specifies a name for the HiRDB file system area (character special file or regular file) that is to be created. If this is a character special file, specify a symbolically linked name.

We recommend that after the command has executed you check whether the execution results are correct. For details on how to check command execution results, see the manual HiRDB Version 9 Command Reference.