Nonstop Database, HiRDB Version 9 System Operation Guide


9.12.5 Restrictions on using method 2 to move back the time

The following table shows the restrictions on using method 2 to move back the time and the action to take in each case.

Table 9-6 Restrictions on using method 2 to move back the time and actions to take in each case

Restriction Action to take
Real Time SAN Replication based on the log-only synchronous method cannot be used. Use method 1 to move back the time.
Backup acquisition and recovery using the NetBackup linkage facility cannot be executed. Use method 1 to move back the time.
Even if the -t option is specified during execution of the pdfrstr command, timestamps cannot be compared. Take either of the following actions:
  • Enable the user to manage backup files without using the -t option.
  • After the time is moved back, re-execute the pdfbkup command, and using the acquired backup files, execute the pdfrstr command.
Some files cannot be deleted using the pdcspool command. Take either of the following actions:
  • Wait until the time at which HiRDB was terminated before the time was moved back, and then re-execute the pdcspool command.
  • Specify 0 for the -d option and execute the pdcspool command. You can delete all files.
When the data extraction facility of HiRDB Datareplicator is used, you cannot move back the time at which the extraction target table was created. After moving back the time kept by the OS and before starting the data extraction facility of HiRDB Datareplicator, execute the following procedure on the extraction target table:
  1. Using the database reorganization utility (pdrorg -k unld), unload the table data.
  2. Using DROP TABLE, delete the table.
  3. Using CREATE TABLE, redefine the table.
  4. Using the database reorganization utility (pdrorg -l reld), reload the table data.
  5. Using the hdeprep command, re-create the extraction pre-process definition file of HiRDB Datareplicator.
When JP1/PFM-Agent for HiRDB is used, after the time kept by the OS is moved back, performance data cannot be acquired until the time is reached at which HiRDB was previously terminated. Execute either of the following procedures:
  1. Advance the time kept by the OS, and before running an operation or test, stop JP1/PFM-Agent for HiRDB.
  2. After the operation or test has ended, move back the time kept by the OS, and then restart JP1/PFM-Agent for HiRDB.
When HiRDB CM is used, HiRDB CM's backup file and unload log file management facility cannot be used. Take either of the following actions:

Action 1
  1. Advance the time kept by the OS, and before running an operation or test, stop HiRDB CM.
  2. After the operation or test has ended, move back the time kept by the OS, and then restart HiRDB CM.

Action 2
  1. Before moving back the time kept by the OS, delete the backup file and unload log file information stored by HiRDB CM.
  2. After moving back the time kept by the OS, re-acquire the backup file and unload log file information stored by HiRDB CM.