Nonstop Database, HiRDB Version 9 System Operation Guide


9.8 Changing the host name

Executor: HiRDB administrator

This section explains how to change the host name (computer name) while HiRDB is running.

To change the host name while HiRDB is running, follow the procedure described below.


If the OS is restarted while AUTO is left as the specified value, HiRDB also starts automatically, but startup of the HiRDB system fails.
Organization of this section
(1) Changing the standard host name (computer name) while the NetBackup linkage facility is being used

(1) Changing the standard host name (computer name) while the NetBackup linkage facility is being used

To change the standard host name (computer name) while HiRDB is running and the NetBackup linkage facility is being used, refer to the NetBackup documentation and set up the NetBackup server and NetBackup client. You must also take either of the following steps for HiRDB:

  1. Back up HiRDB immediately after it starts for the first time after the standard host name (computer name) was changed.
  2. If step 1 cannot be executed and you use for recovery the backup acquired before the standard host name (computer name) was changed, see the descriptions in the following subsections to perform the required environment assignments and operations:
    [Figure] For standby system switchover (monitor mode): 26.2.4(7) Notes on using the NetBackup linkage facility
    [Figure] For standby system switchover (server mode): 26.3.4(7) Notes on using the NetBackup linkage facility
    [Figure] For standby-less system switchover (1:1): 26.4.3(7) Notes on using the NetBackup linkage facility
    [Figure] For standby-less system switchover (effects distributed): 26.5.2(7) Notes on using the NetBackup linkage facility