Nonstop Database, HiRDB Version 9 System Operation Guide


9.6 Accommodating clients that cannot connect to HiRDB (connection frame guarantee facility for client groups)

When the number of clients connected to HiRDB equals the value specified in the pd_max_users operand (maximum number of concurrent connections), new clients cannot be connected to HiRDB - even clients who need to execute important applications. In such a case, the connection frame guarantee facility for client groups should be used.

Organization of this section
(1) Connection frame guarantee facility for client groups
(2) User can define a desired client group
(3) Environment setup
(4) Notes
(5) Relationship to monitoring the resources utilization factor

(1) Connection frame guarantee facility for client groups

The clients who connect to HiRDB can be assigned to groups, and HiRDB connection frames are guaranteed for each client group. The following are the HiRDB-set client groups (the character strings in parentheses are the names of these client groups):

X/Open XA interface client group (XA)
This is a group for clients who use the X/Open XA interface to access HiRDB. Whether from a PC or a work station, if a client accesses HiRDB via the X/Open XA interface, the client belongs to the X/Open XA interface client group.

PC client group (PC)
This is a group for Windows and Linux clients.

WS client group (WS)
This is a group for UNIX clients.

Mainframe client group (MF)
This is a group for VOS3 clients.

The character strings in parentheses designate the client group name.

Any client who belongs to a client group for which connection frames have been specified can establish connection to HiRDB until the guaranteed minimum connections count is reached, even though accesses to HiRDB are concentrated among clients belonging to other client groups. The following figure shows the connection frame guarantee facility for client groups.

Figure 9-4 Connection frame guarantee facility for client groups


(2) User can define a desired client group

The client groups listed above are defined by HiRDB. The user can also define up to 10 client groups:


(3) Environment setup

The following operands must be specified in order to use the connection frame guarantee facility for client groups:

#: This operand is used to define a user-specified client group.

The environment setup procedure is explained below by way of examples.

Example 1
Allocate 5 user connection frames for work station clients and 10 user connection frames for mainframe system clients.
Assume that pd_max_users=100 has been specified.

Specifications in the system common definition

pdcltgrp -g WS -u 5
pdcltgrp -g MF -u 10

Example 2
Set user-specified client groups, and allocate 5 user connection frames to group A and 15 user connection frames to groups B; assume that pd_max_users=100 has been specified:

Specifications in the system common definition

pdcltgrp -g A -u 5
pdcltgrp -g B -u 15

Client environment definition for group A


Client environment definition for group B


Example 3
Allocate 5 user connection frames to mainframe clients. Also set user-specified client groups and allocate 5 user connection frames to group A and 15 user connection frames to group B; assume that pd_max_users=100 has been specified:

Specifications in the system common definition

pdcltgrp -g MF -u 5
pdcltgrp -g A -u 5
pdcltgrp -g B -u 15

Client environment definition for group A


Client environment definition for group B


If the values in the pdcltgrp operand and the PDCLTGRP operand do not match, the user-specified client group will be ignored.

(4) Notes

  1. The number of free-usage frames should not be set too small. If there are too few such frames, a utility or UAP connection error might occur due to an excessive number of connected users.
  2. Check that the sum of the guaranteed numbers of connected users specified with the -u option of the pdcltgrp operand does not exceed the value of the pd_max_users operand. If the value of the pd_max_users operand is exceeded, processing of HiRDB startups is discontinued.
  3. A utility (except for the database definition utility) cannot belong to a client group.
  4. A mainframe client cannot belong to a user-specified client group.
  5. To specify an X/Open XA interface client group (XA), the HiRDB client's version must be one of the following:
    • 04-05 (neither 05-00 nor 05-01 supports this specification)
    • 05-02 or later
  6. To specify a PC client group (PC) or work station client group (WS), the HiRDB client's version must be the following:
    • 04-00 or later

(5) Relationship to monitoring the resources utilization factor

When the pd_max_users utilization factor is being monitored,# both the pd_max_users operand utilization factor and the free-usage frames utilization factor are monitored. There must be at least 10 free-usage frames.

#: Applicable when either of the following operands is specified:
  • pd_watch_resource = AUTO
  • pd_max_users_wrn_pnt

The following example shows when error messages are to be output when the pd_max_users utilization factor is being monitored.

This example specifies that the message is to be output when the pd_max_users utilization factor reaches 80%: