Nonstop Database, HiRDB Version 9 System Operation Guide


6.8 Backup acquisition when the frozen update command (pddbfrz command) is used

The function that supports reducing the amount of time required to back up user LOB RDAREAs provides the frozen update command (pddbfrz command). This section describes how to back up user LOB RDAREAs when you use the frozen update command.

Organization of this section
6.8.1 Operation subject to the frozen update command
6.8.2 Operation of the frozen update command (pddbfrz command)
6.8.3 Operation example
6.8.4 Checking for files with full data pages
6.8.5 Manipulating user LOB RDAREAs for which the frozen update command has been executed
6.8.6 Relationship between RDAREAs and automatic extensions
6.8.7 Notes