Nonstop Database, HiRDB Version 9 System Operation Guide


5.2.3 Increasing (or reducing) the status file size during HiRDB operation

If the record utilization factor is high, the following procedure can be used to increase the status file size.

  1. Use the pdls command to check the following:
    [Figure] Spare status files (files with status displayed as STANDBY)
    [Figure] Record count in the status files
    pdls -d sts -s b001
  2. Use the pdstscls command to make spare files into reserved files.
    pdstscls -s b001 -n sstsfg01
  3. Use the pdstsrm command to delete the reserved files.
    pdstsrm -s b001 -f /sysfile01/ssts1a
    pdstsrm -s b001 -f /sysfile01/ssts1b
  4. Use the pdstsinit command to re-create the status files deleted in step 3.
    Then, specify a record count greater than the record count for the status files before the change.
    pdstsinit -s b001 -f /sysfile01/ssts1a -l 4096 -c 1000
    pdstsinit -s b001 -f /sysfile01/ssts1b -l 4096 -c 1000
  5. Use the pdstsopen command to place the status files created in step 4 in spare status.
    pdstsopen -s b001 -n sstsfg01
  6. Use the pdstsswap command to swap out the current file. Then use steps 1-5 of this procedure to increase the size of the file that was the current file.
    pdstsswap -s b001
We recommend that after the command has executed you check whether the execution results are correct. For details on how to check command execution results, see the manual HiRDB Version 9 Command Reference.

  • When you change spare files into reserved files, do not change all files into reserved files. If status files need to be swapped and there are no spare files, HiRDB (or the unit for a HiRDB parallel server configuration) terminates abnormally. Therefore, you must check that you will still have at least one spare file when you change the size of status files.
  • You should be careful about specifying the pd_syssts_last_active_file or pd_sts_last_active_file operand. You must change the value specified in these operands before the next HiRDB startup because the current file was changed in step 6. If the value is not changed, it will not be possible for HiRDB (or the unit for a HiRDB parallel server configuration) to start.