Nonstop Database, HiRDB Version 9 System Operation Guide


4.3 Procedures for manipulating synchronization point dump files

Executor: HiRDB administrator

This section describes the procedures for manipulating synchronization point dump files. The following topics are covered:

  1. When the status of a synchronization point dump file has changed
  2. When there are no overwrite enabled files
  3. Increasing (or reducing) the synchronization point dump file size during HiRDB operation
  4. Changing the file status
  5. Adding a new synchronization point dump file
  6. Deleting a synchronization point dump file
  7. Obtaining the system log file corresponding to a synchronization point dump file
  8. Increasing the number of synchronization point dump file guaranteed valid generations

Frequently asked questions about the handling of synchronization point dump files are answered in Q&A format in A.2 Synchronization point dump files.

Organization of this section
4.3.1 When the status of a synchronization point dump file has changed
4.3.2 When there are no overwrite enabled files
4.3.3 Increasing (or reducing) the synchronization point dump file size during HiRDB operation
4.3.4 Changing the file status
4.3.5 Adding a new synchronization point dump file
4.3.6 Deleting a synchronization point dump file
4.3.7 Obtaining the system log file corresponding to a synchronization point dump in file
4.3.8 Increasing the number of synchronization point dump file guaranteed-valid generations