Nonstop Database, HiRDB Version 9 System Operation Guide


3.8.3 Application example 1 (using a single directory for unload log files)

In this application example, a single directory for unload log files is provided.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Transferring the unload log files to another medium once a week
(2) Stopping the automatic log unloading facility and transferring the unload log files to another medium
(3) Transferring the unload log files to another medium without stopping the automatic log unloading facility

(1) Transferring the unload log files to another medium once a week

This directory for unload log files stores one week's worth of unload log files, so the unload log files are transferred to another medium once a week. Thus, unload log files are transferred to another medium on a regular basis.


(2) Stopping the automatic log unloading facility and transferring the unload log files to another medium

In this example, the automatic log unloading facility is stopped and the automatically created unload log files are transferred one directory at a time, allowing HiRDB to continue operating.


The procedure for this operation follows.

  1. Stop the automatic log unloading facility by executing the pdlogatul -t -w command.
  2. Transfer all unload log files in the directory to another medium.
  3. Verify the following two points to confirm that the data has been successfully transferred to another medium:
    [Figure] None of the messages listed in Table 3-9 Handling of errors when the automatic log unloading facility is used has been output.
    [Figure] When the pdlogucat command is executed, the system log unload status of the targeted unload log file is completed.
  4. If any files remain in the directory at the unload log file creation destination after the data transfer has been completed normally, delete all of these files.
  5. Execute the pdlogatul -b command to restart the automatic log unloading facility.

To recover the database from the backup files and unload log files, restore the unload log files that were transferred to another medium on a magnetic disk, check the unload log file specification sequence, and then execute the pdrstr command.

(3) Transferring the unload log files to another medium without stopping the automatic log unloading facility

In this example, the automatically created unload log files are transferred to another medium without stopping the automatic log unloading facility, which allows HiRDB to continue operating.


The procedure for this operation follows.

  1. Using one of the following methods, check the names of the unload log files that can be transferred:
    [Figure] View the unload log file names in the KFPS01212-I message.
    [Figure] View the names of unload log files that have younger generation numbers than the system log generation number of the current generation displayed in the execution results of the pdlogatul -i command.
    For details about unload log file names, see 3.8.1(3) Names of created unload log files. If the generation number is ffff or greater, use the pdlogucat command to check.
  2. Transfer the unload log files that have the names acquired in step 1 to another medium.
  3. Verify the following two points to confirm that the data has been successfully transferred to another medium:
    [Figure] None of the messages listed in Table 3-9 Handling of errors when the automatic log unloading facility is used has been output.
    [Figure] When the pdlogucat command is executed, the system log unload status of the applicable unload log files is completed.
  4. If the unload log files transferred in step 2 remain in the directory at the unload log file creation destination after the data transfer has been completed normally, delete these files.

To recover the database from the backup files and unload log files, restore the unload log files that were transferred to another medium on a magnetic disk, check the unload log file specification sequence, and then execute the pdrstr command.