Nonstop Database, HiRDB Version 9 System Operation Guide


3.2 Unloading the system log

Executor: HiRDB administrator

Unload the information (system log) required for database recovery into unload log files. In the event of an error in the database, the database recovery utility uses this unload log file to recover the database.

The HiRDB administrator must ensure than any file in unload wait status is unloaded.

There two methods to unload the system log are described below. Normally, we recommend that you use the automatic log unloading facility.

Automatically unloading the system log by using the automatic log unloading facility
HiRDB provides a facility that automatically unloads system log files and creates unload files. This is called the automatic log unloading facility. This process can be automated by using the automatic log unloading facility. For details on the automatic log unloading facility, see 3.8 Using the automatic log unloading facility.

Manually unloading the system log by using the pdlogunld command
This method executes the pdlogunld command to unload system log files and create unload files.

If the system switchover facility is being used, create an unload log file on a shared disk. A character special file is recommended for the unload log file. However, you can use a regular file (journaled file system) if the OS can guarantee its data integrity, even if a system switchover occurs.
Organization of this section
3.2.1 HiRDB single server configuration
3.2.2 HiRDB parallel server configuration