Nonstop Database, HiRDB Version 9 System Operation Guide


2.5.3 Application conditions for HiRDB password authentication and simple authentication of OS login users

The following table shows which authentication is applied depending on the combination of the pd_os_authenticate system common definition and an authorization identifier and password

Table 2-5 Authentication method to be applied

HiRDB client version and the method used to specify authorization identifier and password HiRDB server version and the method used to specify pd_os_authenticate
Version earlier than 09-50 Version 09-50 or later
Specification of pd_os_authenticate
Version earlier than 09-50 The authorization identifier and password are specified HiRDB's password authentication HiRDB's password authentication HiRDB's password authentication
-/- are specified as the authentication identifier and password Authentication fails (the KFPA11564-E message is output) Authentication fails (the KFPA11564-E message is output) Authentication fails (the KFPA11564-E message is output)
Version 09-50 or later The authentication identifier and password are specified HiRDB's password authentication HiRDB's password authentication HiRDB's password authentication
-/- are specified as the authorization identifier and password Authentication fails (the KFPA11564-E message is output) Simple authentication of OS login users Authentication fails (the KFPA19632-E message is output)