Nonstop Database, HiRDB Version 9 System Operation Guide


1.8 Reducing the HiRDB startup processing time

Executor: HiRDB administrator

Normally, startup processing of resident processes is executed during HiRDB startup processing. As the number of resident processes increases, the HiRDB startup processing time also increases. As a guideline, it takes approximately one second to start one process in a server machine with a performance rating of about 100 MIPS.

When the system switching facility is used, it might be desirable to consider reducing the HiRDB startup processing time.

The number of resident processes is determined by the value of the first parameter in the pd_process_count operand.

Organization of this section
(1) Procedure for reducing the startup processing time
(2) Example
(3) Notes

(1) Procedure for reducing the startup processing time

The second parameter in the pd_process_count operand is specified. The following describes the processing depending on whether the second parameter is specified.

(a) Second parameter not specified (pd_process_count = 500 specified)

All resident processes are started during HiRDB startup processing. In this case, HiRDB cannot start unless all the resident processes (500 processes in this example) start successfully. If a server machine with a performance rating of approximately 100 MIPS is used in this example, it takes some 500 seconds to start all the resident processes during HiRDB startup processing.

(b) Second parameter is specified (pd_process_count = 500,50 specified)

Some resident processes are started during HiRDB startup processing, and the rest are started after HiRDB startup processing is completed. In this case, HiRDB starts if some of the resident processes (50 processes in this example) start successfully. If a 100-MIPS server machine is used in this example, it takes some 50 seconds to start the resident processes during HiRDB startup processing. The remaining resident processes (450 processes in this example) are started after HiRDB startup processing is completed.

(2) Example

Assume that the following system is used:

System definition

  • 200 is specified in the first parameter as the total number of resident processes.
  • 50 is specified in the second parameter in order to obtain the resident processes for OpenTP1's SPP immediately after HiRDB startup.
  • In the case of a HiRDB parallel server configuration, the pd_process_count operand is specified in the front-end server definition.

(3) Notes

When this facility is used, check and, if necessary, revise the PDCWAITTIME operand's value in the client environment definition.

If more UAPs need to execute immediately after HiRDB startup than the value of the second parameter in pd_process_count, their transaction processing will not be executed until after all the remaining resident processes have been started. If the value of the PDCWAITTIME operand in the client environment definition is too small, some of the UAPs might result in timeouts.
For details on the PDCWAITTIME operand, see the HiRDB Version 9 UAP Development Guide.