Nonstop Database, HiRDB Version 9 System Operation Guide


1.2.4 Terminating HiRDB during OS shutdown

If you shut down the OS while HiRDB is running, HiRDB will be forcibly terminated. For this reason, make sure that you terminate HiRDB before you shut down the OS.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Terminating HiRDB when shutting down the OS

(1) Terminating HiRDB when shutting down the OS

This subsection explains how to terminate HiRDB by using the rc script function of the OS as an example of using a user operation to terminate HiRDB automatically. For HiRDB to be terminated normally, specific conditions must be satisfied (in the case of a HiRDB parallel server configuration, you do not use the rc script function when you use a user operation to terminate HiRDB normally.)

Conditions for normal termination
To terminate HiRDB normally, the following conditions must be met:
  • No users can be connected to HiRDB.
  • There can be no uncompleted transactions.
  • In the case of a HiRDB parallel server configuration, no unit that does not contain the system manager can have been terminated forcibly or abnormally.

How to create and register rc scripts
Create and register the following rc script. For details about how to register scripts, see the OS documentation.
Contents of the rc script
Create an rc script that executes the following procedure:
  1. Terminates all clients connected to HiRDB.
  2. Executes the pdstop command to effect normal termination of HiRDB.
  3. If the normal termination fails in step 2 (the return code is not 0), use the pdstop -f command to forcibly terminate HiRDB, because HiRDB might not have terminated.
Location where the rc script is registered
If HiRDB is running when the OS is shut down, HiRDB forcibly terminates itself by applying the rc script shown below. Therefore, if you register an rc script to terminate HiRDB normally, register it in such a way that it will be run before the rc script used by HiRDB runs. If this rc script is registered so that it runs after a forced termination, normal termination processing might result in an error because HiRDB will be terminated forcibly (in AIX, HiRDB is not terminated forcibly because the database is not corrupted when HiRDB is terminated forcibly when the OS is shut down).
Platform Location of the rc script used for the forced termination of HiRDB
HP-UX /sbin/rc1.d/K090HiRDB_x
Linux /etc/rc0.d/K09HiRDB_x
AIX None

x: S for HiRDB single server configurations and P for HiRDB parallel server configurations