Nonstop Database, HiRDB Version 9 System Operation Guide


1.1.3 Automatic startup

HiRDB can be started automatically by specifying the pd_mode_conf operand in the system common definition. Automatic startup means that HiRDB is started automatically when OS is started. The method of starting HiRDB by entering the pdstart command is called manual startup.

  • If HiRDB (or the unit) terminates abnormally when HiRDB has been set up with the pd_mode_conf operand to start automatically, it will restart automatically. However, if it cannot restart in three consecutive attempts, it will terminate abnormally.
  • If HiRDB terminates abnormally during startup or termination processing, manual startup must be used to start it.
  • In the case of automatic startup of a server in a HiRDB parallel server configuration (pd_mode_conf=AUTO specified), all units must start within 20 minutes from the time the first unit starts. If all units do not start within 20 minutes, the HiRDB startup process will terminate. This 20-minute time limit can be changed with the pd_reduced_check_time operand.
    Note that the time limit does not apply when HiRDB is being restarted after the unit or the operating system has terminated abnormally.