OpenTP1 Version 7 TP1/Client User's Guide TP1/Client/W, TP1/Client/P


Appendix B.1 Changes made in 07-02

The following table shows the addition and deletion of functions, definition operands, and commands made in TP1/Client/W 07-02 and TP1/Client/P 07-02.

Table B-1 Addition and deletion of functions, definition operands, and commands made in TP1/Client/W 07-02 and TP1/Client/P 07-02

Modification type Category Explanation
Addition Function dc_clt_assem_send_s
Operand DCCLTDELIVERYCHECK operand in the client environment definition
DCCLTPRFINFOSEND operand in the client environment definition
DCCLTCUPSNDHOST operand in the client environment definition
Command None
Deletion None

The following table shows the operation changes made in TP1/Client/W 07-02 and TP1/Client/P 07-02.

Table B-2 Operation changes made in TP1/Client/W 07-02 and TP1/Client/P 07-02

Category Explanation
Function None
Operand The range of specifiable values for the DCSOCKOPEN operand in the client environment definition has been changed to 1 to 4096.
Command None
Other category The message assembly facility has been added.
The message delivery confirmation facility has been added.
A facility that allows you to specify the CUP send host has been added.

The following table shows the default-value changes made in TP1/Client/W 07-02 and TP1/Client/P 07-02.

Table B-3 Default-value changes made in TP1/Client/W 07-02 and TP1/Client/P 07-02

Category Explanation
Function None
Operand The default value of the DCSCDMULTICOUNT operand in the client environment definition has been changed to 1.
Command None