OpenTP1 Version 7 TP1/Client User's Guide TP1/Client/W, TP1/Client/P


6.7.3 CBLDCCLS('CANCEL ') - Canceling one-way message wait state

Organization of this subsection
(1) Form
(2) Purpose
(3) Data area where the UAP sets values
(4) Data area for which a value is returned
(5) Status codes

(1) Form

(a) In a multi-thread environment
CALL 'CBLDCCLS' USING identifier-1 identifier-2
01 identifier-1.
   02 data-name-A PIC X(8)  VALUE 'CANCEL  '.
   02 data-name-B PIC X(5).
   02 FILLER     PIC X(3).
   02 data-name-C PIC S9(9) COMP VALUE ZERO.
   02 data-name-D PIC 9(4)  COMP.
   02 FILLER     PIC X(2).
   02 data-name-E PIC X(64).
   02 FILLER     PIC 9(4)  COMP.
   02 FILLER     PIC X(2).
   02 data-name-G PIC X(256).
01 identifier-2.
   02 data-name-H PIC S9(9) COMP.
   02 data-name-I PIC X(n).
(b) In a single-thread environment
CALL 'CBLDCCLT' USING identifier-1 identifier-2
01 identifier-1.
   02 data-name-A PIC X(8)  VALUE 'CANCEL  '.
   02 data-name-B PIC X(5).
   02 FILLER     PIC X(3).
   02 data-name-C PIC S9(9) COMP VALUE ZERO.
   02 data-name-D PIC 9(4)  COMP.
   02 FILLER     PIC X(2).
   02 data-name-E PIC X(64).
01 identifier-2.
   02 data-name-H PIC S9(9) COMP.
   02 data-name-I  PIC X(n).

(2) Purpose

Releases a wait state (enabled by CBLDCCLS('NOTIFY ')) for receiving one-way messages.

When releasing the wait state, the program can issue a message specified for data-name-I to the CUP that awaits one-way messages.

(3) Data area where the UAP sets values

(4) Data area for which a value is returned

(5) Status codes

Status code Meaning
00000 Normal termination
02501 Invalid value for the data name. The request code (data-name-A) may be invalid.
02503 Initialization failed. Alternatively, the client environment definition is specified incorrectly.
02504 A necessary amount of buffer could not be allocated.
02506 Network error
02514 The CUP is not in the one-way message reception wait status.
02518 System error
02539 Invalid host computer name
02547 Port numbers that can be assigned automatically by the operating system are insufficient.
02554 No DLL name is defined in the client environment definition.
02555 The specified DLL could not be loaded.
02556 An attempt was made to issue the request code not defined in the specified DLL.