OpenTP1 Version 7 Programming Reference COBOL Language


X/Open-compliant function

Table 4-1 gives the relationship between X/Open-compatible APIs (XATMI and TX interfaces) and functions. Table 4-2 gives the relationship between X/Open-compatible API functions and OpenTP1 UAPs.

Table 4-1 Relationship between X/Open-compatible APIs and functions

API Name and role of X/Open-compatible function
XATMI interface TPACALL Send a service request.
TPADVERTISE Advertise a service name.
TPCALL Send a service request and synchronously await its reply.
TPCANCEL Cancel a communication handle for an outstanding reply.
TPCONNECT Establish a conversational service connection.
TPDISCON Terminate a conversational service connection abortively.
TPGETRPLY Get a reply from a previous service request.
TPRECV Receive a message in a conversational connection.
TPRETURN Return from a service routine.
TPSEND Send a message in a conversational connection.
TPSVCSTART Start a service routine.
TPUNADVERTISE Unadvertise a service name.
TX interface TXBEGIN Begin a global transaction.
TXCLOSE Close a set of resource managers.
TXCOMMIT Commit a global transaction.
TXINFORM Return global transaction information.
TXOPEN Open a set of resource managers.
TXROLLBACK Roll back a global transaction.
TXSETCOMMITRET Set commit_return characteristic.
TXSETTIMEOUT Set transaction_timeout characteristic.
TXSETTRANCTL Set transaction_control characteristic.

Table 4-2 Relationship between X/Open-compatible API functions and OpenTP1 UAPs

X/Open-compatible API SUP SPP MHP UAP
that handles offlinework
Outside transaction range Inside transaction range (root) Outside transaction range Transaction range Outside transaction range Inside transaction range (root)
Root Nonroot
TPACALL Y Y Y Y Y -- -- --
TPADVERTISE -- -- Y#1 Y#1 Y#1 -- -- --
TPCALL Y Y Y Y Y -- -- --
TPCANCEL Y Y Y Y Y -- -- --
TPCONNECT Y Y Y Y Y -- -- --
TPDISCON Y Y Y Y Y -- -- --
TPGETRPLY Y Y Y Y Y -- -- --
TPRECV Y Y Y Y Y -- -- --
TPRETURN -- -- Y#2 Y#2 Y#2 -- -- --
TPSEND Y Y Y Y Y -- -- --
TPSVCSTART#3 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
TPUNADVERTISE -- -- Y#1 Y#1 Y#1 -- -- --
TXBEGIN#4 Y -- Y -- -- Y -- --
TXCLOSE Y -- Y -- -- -- -- --
TXCOMMIT with TX_CHAINED specified#4 -- Y Y -- -- -- -- --
TXCOMMIT with TX_UNCHAINED specified#4 -- Y Y -- -- -- -- --
TXINFORM Y Y Y Y Y -- -- --
TXOPEN Y -- Y -- -- -- -- --
TXROLLBACK with TX_CHAINED specified#4 -- Y -- Y -- -- -- --
TXROLLBACK with TX_UNCHAINED specified#4 -- Y -- Y -- -- -- --

Y: The function can be called from the UAP.
--: The function cannot be called from the UAP.

Outside transaction range for MHP means the range of MHPs with the nontransaction attribute or the MHP main program.

#1: Functions marked#3 can be invoked only from within service programs.

#2: Functions marked#4 are used only to make XATMI-interfaced service programs return.

#3: TPSVCSTART is an API function that service programs always invoke.

#4: For the UAP which issues a function marked#2, specify atomic_update=Y in the user service definition.