OpenTP1 Version 7 Programming Reference COBOL Language


CBLDCMCF('TLSCOM ') - Acquire status of MCF communication services



CALL 'CBLDCMCF' USING unique-name-1 unique-name-2 unique-name-3

DATA DIVISION specification

01 unique-name-1.
02 data-name-A PIC X(8) VALUE 'TLSCOM '.
02 data-name-B PIC X(5).
02 data-name-C PIC X(4).
02 data-name-D PIC X(28) VALUE SPACE.
02 data-name-E PIC 9(9) COMP VALUE ZERO.
02 data-name-F PIC X(64) VALUE SPACE.
02 data-name-G PIC X(8) VALUE SPACE.
02 data-name-H PIC X(8) VALUE SPACE.
02 data-name-I PIC X(144) VALUE SPACE.
02 data-name-J PIC X(184) VALUE SPACE.
02 data-name-K PIC 9(9) COMP VALUE ZERO.
01 unique-name-2.
02 data-name-L PIC 9(9) COMP VALUE ZERO.
01 unique-name-3.
02 data-name-M PIC 9(9) COMP.
02 unique-name-4.
03 data-name-N PIC 9(9) COMP.
03 data-name-O PIC X(8).
03 data-name-P PIC X(20).
03 data-name-Q PIC X(12).
03 data-name-R PIC X(20) VALUE LOW-VALUE.
02 unique-name-n.
03 data-name-N PIC 9(9) COMP.
03 data-name-O PIC X(8).
03 data-name-P PIC X(20).
03 data-name-Q PIC X(12).
03 data-name-R PIC X(20) VALUE LOW-VALUE.


CBLDCMCF('TLSCOM ') acquires the statuses of the MCF communication services or application start services.

Data areas whose values are set in the UAP


Specify VALUE 'TLSCOM[Figure]' for the request code indicating aquisition of MCF communication service status or application start service status.

data-name-C, data-name-D

Specify a space.


Specify 0.

data-name-F, data-name-G, data-name-H, data-name-I, data-name-J

Specify a space.

data-name-K, data-name-L

Specify 0.


Specify the number of unique names from unique-name-4 to unique-name-n (number of sets of data-name-N, data-name-O, data-name-P, data-name-Q, and data-name-R).

When the processing is completed, the number of MCF communication services or application start services that have been registered in the MCF service is returned.


This is an area used by MCF.

Data area to which a value is returned from OpenTP1


A status code of 5 digits is returned.


Returns the number of MCF communication services or application start services that have been registered in the MCF service.


Sets an MCF communication process identifier or application start process identifier.


Sets the MCF communication service name.


Sets the protocol type.

Application start service for TP1/Message Control

TP1/NET/User Agent (OSAS/UA protocol)

TP1/NET/HDLC (HDLC protocol)

TP1/NET/X25 (X.25 protocol)

TP1/NET/OSI-TP (OSI TP protocol)


TP1/NET/HSC (HSC protocol)

TP1/NET/NCSB (NCSB protocol)


TP1/NET/Secondary Logical Unit - TypeP2 (SLUTYPE-P protocol (secondary station))

TP1/NET/TCP/IP (TCP/IP protocol)

TP1/NET/X25-Extended (X.25 protocol)

TP1/NET/User Datagram Protocol (UDP protocol)


Sets one of the following values as the status of the MCF communication service or application start service:

Service is stopped.

Service is under preparation processing.

Service has started or is under preparation processing for termination.

Service is under preparation processing for terminating partial stop.

Service is under stop processing.

Status codes

Status code Explanation
00000 Normal termination.
71001 CBLDCMCF('TLSCOM ') cannot be accepted because MCF is under start processing.
71004 A memory shortage occurred during CBLDCMCF('TLSCOM ') processing.
71005 A communication error occurred. For the cause, see the message log file.
71006 An internal error occurred. For the cause, see the message log file.
72013 The number of MCF communication services or application start services exceeded the value specified in data-name-M. Information about the excess services was discarded.
72028 The value specified for data-name-A is invalid.
72052 A nonzero value is specified for data-name-K.
72053 A nonzero value is specified for data-name-L.
72058 The value specified for data-name-C is not a space.
72059 The value specified for data-name-D is not a space.
72061 A nonzero value is specified for data-name-E.
72065 The value specified for data-name-F is not a space.
72066 The value specified for data-name-G is not a space.
72068 The value specified for data-name-H is not a space.
72070 The value specified for data-name-I is not a space.
72072 The value specified for data-name-J is not a space.
72076 A value of 0 or smaller is specified for data-name-M.