OpenTP1 Version 7 Programming Reference COBOL Language


1.3 Creating XATMI interface application programs (TCP/IP, OSI TP)

This section explains how to create a UAP that uses the XATMI interface when the communication protocol is TCP/IP or OSI TP.

A UAP that uses the XATMI interface can be created in the same manner as for OpenTP1 UAPs except for the following two points: (1) stub creation method (execution formats of stbmake and tpstbmk commands) and (2) files to be linked with the UAP. For the UAP creation procedure, see 1.1 Coding application program and 1.4 Executing application programs.

Organization of this section
1.3.1 Procedure for creating XATMI-Interfaced application programs
1.3.2 Creating stubs for XATMI interface
1.3.3 Creating stub source files for XATMI interface
1.3.4 stbmake - Stub source file creation for XATMI interface
1.3.5 tpstbmk - XATMI-interfaced stub creation for OSI TP communication