OpenTP1 Version 7 Description
1.3.1 List of OpenTP1 software products
(1) Basic components
The following software products provide the basic features of OpenTP1:
- TP1/Server Base
Performs fundamental control of distributed transaction processing. This product provides facilities for controlling transactions and scheduling UAPs
(2) User data management
The following products provide user data management:
- TP1/FS/Direct Access
- Enables OpenTP1-dedicated user files to be accessed by the direct access method (DAM): such direct-organization files are called DAM files. The TP1/FS/Direct Access product manages file status so that DAM file updates can be made part of an OpenTP1 transaction.
- TP1/FS/Table Access
- Enables OpenTP1-dedicated user files to be accessed by the table access method (TAM): such files are loaded into memory in table format and are called TAM files. OpenTP1 TAM files enable fast access. The TP1/FS/Table Access product manages table status so that the in-memory information is recoverable and TAM file updates can be made part of an OpenTP1 transaction.
- TP1/Shared Table Access
The IST service allows information from all nodes in a group to be shared among the nodes and to be accessed from any node in the group. The information is stored in special tables called internode shared tables (ISTs). The IST service stores internode shared tables in shared memory, and enables UAPs to reference and update the tables without knowing the actual physical locations of the information that makes up the tables.
The following products provide the facilities for sending and receiving messages:
- TP1/Message Control
- Used when an OpenTP1 system communicates with a non-OpenTP1 system. For example, the non-OpenTP1 system might be in a non-UNIX network connected to the OpenTP1 system via a WAN. The TP1/Message Control product uses MCF message queues to control the sending and receiving of messages.
- TP1/NET/Library
- Provides a library that contains the facilities for operations required to control networks, for configuration management, and for scheduling.
TP1/Message Control and TP1/NET/Library make up the message-exchange configurations.
- TP1/NET/xxx
- In addition to TP1/Message Control and TP1/NET/Library, a product corresponding to the communication protocol in the non-OpenTP1 system is also required to communicate with the non-OpenTP1 system.
The following product is necessary for the MQA message queuing of OpenTP1:
- TP1/Message Queue
- Used when transferring messages asynchronously to a UAP of OpenTP1 or a UAP of another system (via a network). Messages can be transferred regardless of the status of the destination UAP without waiting for the response of the destination UAP.
(5) System switching
The following products provide the System Switchover facility, which enables the construction of hot-standby systems. The products are usable only when the OS is HI UX/WE2.
- TP1/High Availability
- Used in system configurations that provide the System Switchover facility.
- TP1/NET/High Availability
- Used when the message control facilities (the TP1/Message Control and TP1/NET/Library products) are used in system configurations that contain the System Switchover facility. The TP1/NET/High Availability product requires TP1/High Availability and HAmonitor.
- The TP1/NET/High Availability product is also used when changing connections during message transmission with duplicated systems.
(6) Testing user application programs
The following products are used for testing user-created programs that work in an OpenTP1 system.
- TP1/Offline Tester
- Provides the Offline Tester. This Offline Tester makes it possible to test user applications in environments in which OpenTP1 is not running.
- TP1/Online Tester
- Provides the Online Tester. This Online Tester makes it possible to test user applications in OpenTP1 online environments.
- TP1/Message Control/Tester
- Provides the MCF Online Tester. This MCF Online Tester makes it possible to test various OpenTP1 message-sending and message-receiving facilities. This product is usable only when the OS is HI-UX/WE2.
(7) Products for client machines
A UAP can function as a client when the following products are installed on the same machine as the UAP.
- TP1/Client/W and TP1/Client/P
- Used when a workstation or PC is used as a client machine and the machine is used to access a server constructed in an OpenTP1 system.
- TP1/Client/J
- Used when you use a Java applet, a Java application, or a Java servlet to access a server constructed in an OpenTP1 system.
For details on TP1/Client/W, TP1/Client/P, and TP1/Client/J, see 2.2.2 Using OpenTP1 client software on workstations and PCs.
(8) Distributed application server facility
The following product provides the facilities for distributed application servers:
- TP1/LiNK
- Provides basic control for UAP scheduling in a distributed environment. Compared to TP1/Server Base, TP1/LiNK is more applicable to small-scale departments. Operations from installation to setup of TP1/LiNK can easily be performed interactively.
(9) Cluster system or parallel-processing system
The following product is an operation aid in a cluster system or parallel-processing system:
- TP1/Multi
- Aids operations when using OpenTP1 in a cluster system or parallel-processing system environment. This product makes it possible to manage multiple nodes from a single node.
(10) Controlling resource managers not provided by OpenTP1
The following product is required for controlling resource managers that are not provided by OpenTP1.
- TP1/Resource Manager Monitor
- Enables you to control any resource managers that are not provided by OpenTP1. TP1/Resource Manager Monitor allows OpenTP1 to control the startup and termination of resource managers.
(11) Related products
The following Hitachi products work with OpenTP1.
- ISAM, ISAM/B (HP-UX only)
- Makes it possible to use indexed sequential files that comply with the X/Open ISAM (indexed sequential access method) model. When ISAM user files are managed as part of transaction processing, ISAM/B is required in addition to Hitachi ISAM.
- HAmonitor
- Used when improving the reliability of OpenTP1 systems. Reliability can be improved by duplicating OpenTP1 systems and using the System Switchover facility. For details on OpenTP1 systems using HAmonitor, see 6.1 The System Switchover facility.
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