OpenTP1 Version 7 User's Guide


System common definition

For details about the operands that are not explained here, see the list in 5.1(4) System common definition.


set format

[set all_node="node-name[:port-number][:high]"
[set name_notify=Y|N]


Operands in the set format


You must specify the node name that is specified in this operand in %SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\etc\HOSTS together with the IP address beforehand or use the WINS server. There are no other differences.



If Y is specified in this operand, OpenTP1 performs start notification processing as many times as there are nodes specified in the all_node operand.

Note that when you specify Y in this operand and the specified all_node operand value includes nodes at which OpenTP1 is not running, the following time is required before the inactive OpenTP1 systems are placed in online status:

When the all_node operand value includes nodes that result in a timeout during connect() processing:
Number of nodes resulting in timeout x ipc_conn_interval operand value in the system common definition x 2 (seconds)

When the all_node operand value includes nodes to which OpenTP1 cannot send notification:
Number of nodes to which notification cannot be sent x TCP/IP re-forwarding processing time# x 2 (seconds)
This is the time required for TCP/IP re-forwarding processing, as determined by registry parameters (such as TcpMaxConnectRetransmissions). It is about one second in the default settings.