OpenTP1 Version 7 User's Guide


3.2.2 Creating UAPs for Visual Studio projects

This subsection explains creation of UAPs for Visual Studio projects. The example presented here is for Visual Studio 2008.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Project type
(2) Files composing the project
(3) Project settings

(1) Project type

The project type to be specified is Win32 project.

(2) Files composing the project

The files to be specified include the application's source files that have been created as the source files composing the project, and the stub source file.

(3) Project settings

The following table lists and describes the Visual Studio project settings.

Table 3-2 Visual Studio project settings

Category Item Setting
C/C++ General Additional include directory OpenTP1-installation-folder\include
Code generation Run-time libraries Multi-threaded DLL (/MD)
Precompiled header Create and use a precompiled header Precompiled headers are not used
Linker General Additional library directory OpenTP1-installation-folder\lib
Input Additional dependent files
  • msvcrt.lib
  • libbetran.lib
Ignore all default libraries Yes (/NODEFAULTLIB)
System Subsystem Console (/SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE)