OpenTP1 Version 7 User's Guide


2.2.3 OpenTP1 console output facility

You can output to the console information that is output from the system server and user servers. This function is called the OpenTP1 console output facility. The information that can be output to the console by this facility is the same as for the files that are output by the standard output redirect facility. The difference from the standard output redirect facility is that this facility outputs the contents of standard output and standard error to the console rather than to a file. For this reason, the output contents are not saved.

This facility is not available when you start the OpenTP1 service from a user account or when you use an edition of Windows that supports the session 0 isolation feature (such as Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista, and Windows 7). Note that if you are using an edition of Windows that supports the session 0 isolation feature and you specify the environment settings for this facility, no error message will be output.

This subsection explains the environment setting required in order to use the OpenTP1 console output facility.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Environment setting
(2) Notes

(1) Environment setting

To use the OpenTP1 console output facility, you must specify the following system definition:

System environment definition
  • console_output operand
    Specifies whether the contents of standard output and standard error are to be output to the console.

For details about this operand, see System environment definition in 5.3 Details of system definitions.

Note that you can use the OpenTP1 console output facility even when the prc_port and rpc_port_base operands are specified in the system common definition.

(2) Notes