OpenTP1 Version 7 User's Guide


2.2.1 Standard output redirect facility

OpenTP1 for Windows can output directly to a file the contents of standard output and standard error. This function is called the standard output redirect facility, and it enables the user to save to a file the information that is output to standard output and standard error by the system server and user server (including the KFCA-xxxxx messages and all information specified for standard output by the user). You must open the file each time you want to check the file's contents.

This subsection explains the environment settings required in order to use the standard output redirect facility.

Reference note
If you use the console output facility for standard output redirect files, you can check the output contents in real time at the console. For details about the console output facility for standard output redirect files, see 2.2.2 Console output facility for standard output redirect files.
Organization of this subsection
(1) Environment settings
(2) Notes

(1) Environment settings

To use the standard output redirect facility, you must specify the following system definition:

System environment definition
  • redirect_file operand
    Specifies whether the contents of standard output and standard error are to be saved to a file.
  • redirect_file_name operand
    Specifies the name of the file to which the contents of standard output and standard error are to be saved.
  • redirect_file_size operand
    Specifies the maximum size of the file to which the contents of standard output and standard error are to be saved.

For details about these operands, see System environment definition in 5.3 Details of system definitions.

Note that this facility cannot be used when you specify the prc_port and rpc_port_base operands in the system common definition. If these operands are specified, and Y is specified in the redirect_file operand, OpenTP1 outputs the KFCA26520-W message, ignores the redirect_file operand, and resumes the OpenTP1 startup operation. When the KFCA26520-W message is displayed, either delete the prc_port and rpc_port_base operands or delete the redirect_file operand.

(2) Notes