OpenTP1 Version 7 User's Guide


1.2 How to use this manual

There are differences between OpenTP1 for Windows and OpenTP1 for UNIX in terms of the available functions, programming, environment setup, and system definition operands that are supported. We recommend that you use this manual and the other OpenTP1 series manuals as follows:

  1. First, use this manual to determine whether there are differences in the OpenTP1 information between Windows and UNIX.
    See the lists provided in this manual starting in Chapter 2, such as the lists of program-level and code-level functions, to check for differences between OpenTP1 for Windows and OpenTP1 for UNIX.
  2. Based on the result of this checking, use this manual or another manual in the OpenTP1 series, depending on which is appropriate.
    • This manual: Use this manual to obtain information specific to OpenTP1 for Windows and details about the differences with OpenTP1 for UNIX.
    • Other OpenTP1 series manuals: Use these manuals to obtain information common to both OpenTP1 for Windows and OpenTP1 for UNIX.

The manual to be used depends on the information about OpenTP1 for Windows that you want to obtain. The following figure shows the manual to be referenced, depending on the type of information about OpenTP1 for Windows that you are interested in.

Figure 1-2 Information about OpenTP1 for Windows and the manuals to be referenced


We recommend that you read the indicated chapters in this manual as well as the other OpenTP1 series manuals, as appropriate to the information you desire, as indicated in this figure.

For example, to learn about the OpenTP1 functions, see both Chapter 2. Description of Functions in this manual and the manual OpenTP1 Version 7 Description. Reference 2.1 List of functions to determine whether there are differences between OpenTP1 for Windows and OpenTP1 for UNIX, and then see the corresponding section in Chapter 2 for details about the functions specific to OpenTP1 for Windows and the manual OpenTP1 Version 7 Description for the information common to both OpenTP1 for Windows and OpenTP1 for UNIX.

This manual does not explain the messages. For details about the messages, see the manual OpenTP1 Version 7 Messages.